IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity

Today, students are expected to be not only cognitive, but also flexible, analytical and creative. In this lesson, there are methods proposed for the use of computer- based technologies as an integral support to higher thinking skills and creativity.


To define higher level thinking skills and creativity, we may adopt a framework that is a helpful synthesis of many models and definitions on the subject matter.

Complex Thinking Skills

Sub – Skills
Defining the problem, goal/ objective – setting, brainstorming
Information Gathering
Selection, recording of data of information
Associating, relating new data with old
Identifying idea constructs, patterns
Deducing, inducting, elaborating
Classifying, relating
Visualizing, predicting
Planning, formulating
Summarizing, abstracting
Setting criteria, testing idea, verifying outcomes, revising


The project method for higher learning outcomes consists in having the students work on projects with depth, complexity, duration and relevance to the real world.


The process refers to the thinking/ affective/ psycho- motor process that occurs on the part of the learner. This comprises the journey that actualizes learning.


1. Does the new framework on higher thinking skills and creativity mean that teachers should no longer make efforts to help students pass/ excel in achievement tests? Explain.
·         No, it’s not. Teachers should still make efforts to help students to pass in the achievement tests because this new framework on higher thinking skills and creativity is just a guide for them. An effort of a teacher is more usable and meaningful to help his/her students to pass in achievement test.

          2. Can these complex thinking skills be also achieved even without using educational technology tools? Explain.
·         For me, No. we can’t achieve these complex thinking skills without the use of educational technology just like in information gathering. Since information gathering needs to use recorder for an appropriate gathering. And if educational technology is not present or not available, we can’t reach our target in achieving these complex thinking skills.
This complex thinking skills is integrated by educational technology

          3.  While the discussion on IT- based projects are still to follow, can you predict how information technology hardware (especially the computer and its Internet capability) and software programs have excellent possibilities for assisting in the development of higher thinking skills and creativity projects.

·         IT – based projects is a big help in assisting the development of higher thinking skills and creativity projects. Say for example a video clips about the process of food chain. When they watched this, they have now the idea how this process is being done. And with the help of this video clip, learners will have a better understanding about this process. They can break the chunks of information about this cycle that will make them understand better.


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