Computers as Information and Communication Technology

Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along computer literacy. Much like reading, the modern student can now interact with computer messages, even respond to questions or to computer commands.

Soon the Computer- assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized learning through a positive climate that includes realism and appeal with drill exercise that uses color, music, and animation.


The programs normally installed in an ordinary modern PC:
·         Microsoft Office – program for composing text, graphics, photos into letters, articles, reports, etc.
·         Power – point – for preparing lecture presentations
·         Excel – for spreadsheets and similar graphic sheets
·         Internet Explorer  - access to the internet
·         Yahoo or Google – Websites; emails, chat rooms, Blog sites, news service educational soft wares
·         Adobe Reader – graphs/ photo composition and editing
·         MSN – Mail/ chat messaging
·         Windows Media Player – CD, VCD player
·         Cyberlink Power  - DVD Player
·         Windows media player – Editing film/ video
·         GameHouse – Video games


1.       Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education, namely:
a.      Electronic or e- commerce
·         We all know that e-commerce is a way of selling products or services through online or internet. So if PC will not be available then we could not have this online buy and sell that is a big help for us especially for those who are far from the store. PC is a big factor in e- commerce because if we have no PC, many of us will get job loss especially those who are depending on computers as their source of their income.
b.      E – finance
c.       Entertainment
·         The capability of PC in entertainment has a big impact on us. Every time we get bored, we just logged on to our computers until our boredom leaves us. And PC sometimes can relieve our stress through social medias such as chatting and video conferencing with our love ones if they are far from each other.
d.      Advertising
·         In advertising, we can now easily post an advertisement in Facebook or yahoo. And because of this, the process is easier.
e.      Propaganda or development communication
2.       Discuss related issues:
a.      Intellectual property rights
b.      Pornography using the Internet
·         Nowadays, computers are the number one source of crime specifically in pornography. Many youth today are being aggressive just because of what they are seen or being watched in internet. As a result, many of them are getting involved in crime such as cyber sex. Not only the youth but even the adult who should be number one guide of the youth.
c.       Pyramiding scam using the internet
d.      Gaming or lottery


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